Thursday Feb 29, 2024
Thursday Feb 29, 2024
Please join Dr.Madelina Light and me as we talk about The Divine Angelic Whisperers/ Celestial Helpers & Synchronistic Numbers!
Join us to explore:
-Who are The Angelic Whisperers/ Celestial Helpers?
- What are They Specialized in & How They can Help Us?
-How to Ask for Their Support, and How to comunicate with Them All the Time?
-Discover 5 Common Ways, You are Receiving Signs & Messages from Them!
-Uncover The Synchronistic Numbers Multiple Energies, Meanings & Functions!
-Find Out How Madelina can facilitate You to Open, Or Expand Your Channel of Communication with Your Benevolent Celestial Team of Angels & Guides!
Live Readings: Also, Join Us Live To Receive Your Timely Message from One of Your Divine Angelic Whisperers/ Celestial Helpers, during The Q& A’s!
Madelina is A Multidimensional BioEnergy Intuitive - A Divine Love/Light & Sound Frequencies Transmitter & Soul Connector, A Way Shower, A Star Seed, and An Earth Light Grids Keeper. As An Ancient Soul - Clairsentient, and Empath - She Telepathically receives Messages from the Body’s BioEnergetic Systems, the Divine/Soul/Higher Self, Angels/ Archangels/ Ascended Masters, and The Benevolent Galactics & Spirit Guides. Madelina is A Certified Medical Intuitive & Arcturian Reiki Master, and A Gifted BioEnergy Healer. During Groups and Private Sessions, Madelina Tunes in & Scans The Group Energy, or Personal BioField, Sharing with You the Soulful insights that She Receives, Channeling Divine Golden Light & Uplifting Sounds for BioEnergy Healing, as well as Self Empowerment Tools. Madelina also, conduct various Meditations, Activations & Processes, Helping People Worldwide with Her Unique - Multidimensional BioEnergy Divine Light/Sound/Sacred Geometry Frequency Transmission Technique - That was Gifted to Madelina from Mid 2018, by Her Divine Soul/Higher Self & The Arcturian Healing Team. Madelina Loves to Empower You To Realign with Your Unique Original Divine Soul Song - To Reawaken Your Inner Power, Purpose & Innate Psychic Gifts, and Uplift Your Spirit - To Enjoy Emotional Harmony & Loving Relationships - To Restore Your Healthy BioEnergetic Systems & Reactivate Your Innate Healing Abilities - So You could Live Your Best Life NOW, and THRIVE!
Speaker Gifts: https://awakentohappinessnow.com
Madelina’s Offers: https://awakentohappinessnow.com/s34madelina/
#shefaliburns , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness
Tuesday Feb 27, 2024
Karma Completion with Wealth, Health and Love with Simmin Bawa
Tuesday Feb 27, 2024
Tuesday Feb 27, 2024
Please join Simmin Bawa and me as we talk about Karma Completion with Wealth, Health and Love.
Join us to explore:
-What is Karma?
-In what does Karma affect our lives?
-Can Karma of past lives be cleared without undergoing pain and suffering or even without performing prayers and rituals?
-In what way does karma affect our Wealth scenario in this life?
-In what way does karma affect our Health scenario in this life comprising of Physical, Mental and Emotional aspects?
Professor and Head of Department, Philosophy, Jai Hind College, Mumbai. Recipient of Best Teachers Award for 3 consecutive years. An avid researcher and academician currently pursuing PhD course in Sexual Ethics. Simmin knows more than 35 modalities of healing and fortune telling. Being born Clairvoyant, Claiaudient and Claircognizant and knew from an early age that I have to contribute spiritually. Have been a practising Holistic Healer from the age of 16 years. Simmin’s specializations are Auto-writing and channelling, Reading and Healing Akashic Records, Tarot card Reading, Candle Magick, Crystals, Graphology, Past Life Regression, Crystal ball gazing, Numerology, Cartomancy, Lenormand Card Reading, Magickal Oils, Angel Therapy and Card reading, Runes, Tea-leaf reading, etc. She practices and teaches these courses. She has received light language as a gift from Masters for the good work being done through Automatic Writing and Channeling.
Speaker Gifts: https://awakentohappinessnow.com
Simmin’s Offers: https://awakentohappinessnow.com/s34simmin/
#shefaliburns , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness
Friday Feb 23, 2024
Friday Feb 23, 2024
Please join Cathleena Hailley and me as we talk about Restoring the Original Soul fragmentation and releasing the imprint of “Sacrifice” from the Brain and Body.
Cathleena Hailley is an embodiment of the divine feminine who works with the council of 9 collective and in particular with Jesus, Metatron, and other ascended masters. Her coding accesses the womb water of an individual’s birth so that they are brought back to their original soul expression, creating a rebirth to allow full expression of the soul’s imprint. As the lineage of the life Architect her Crystalline DNA signature not only carries the frequency of perfect pitch to align to the original Human templet, Earth templet and this Universes templet, but continually recalibrate this alignment.
Having incarnated as an Arcturian, Andromedan, and as a member of the Council of 9 Galactic Collective, Cathleena brings the knowledge of human patterns of existence, along with her extensive knowledge and work with interplanetary and galactic portals. Through this, she accesses human patterning with galactic information, technologies and energies to fully access their original soul’s blueprint. Cathleena has a business degree and has worked with many professionals and medical practitioners in her massage therapy practice for over 28 years, she has experienced layers of human patterning, personalities, and life expressions. Her background in massage, using techniques as Rolfing and Myofascial has allowed her to begin to access more subtle energies connected to the emotional patterning that creates an individual’s life. Through her understanding of sacred geometry, she has channeled a vibrational device from the Arcturian collective. Cathleena now uses all of her business knowledge and experience with sacred geometry to align with her resetting the crystalline DNA.
Speaker Gifts: https://awakentohappinessnow.com
Cathleena’s Offers: https://awakentohappinessnow.com/s34cathleena/
#shefaliburns , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness
Saturday Feb 03, 2024
Healing Emotions Showing Up in the Body with Roshney Mistry
Saturday Feb 03, 2024
Saturday Feb 03, 2024
Please join Roshney Mistry and me as we talk about Healing Emotions Showing Up in the Body.
Join us to explore
-Grief shows up in various ways
-Your body is a barometer
-Radical remission survey, surviving cancer
-You are your own healer
-Tools you can use to heal yourself
Roshney will be doing a live meditation with the Golden Tree which will help you feel more grounded and shielded. You will be able to connect with your guides and ask what emotion do I need to let go of now and what does my body need right now?
Roshney is a spiritual energy coach whose name means light. She is trained in NLP, Rahanni Celestial Healing, Inner Child Healing, Cord Cutting , Counselling and Akashic Records Healing. She has been working in corporate government for the last 34 years. Working in a stressful environment has taught her many skills especially on how to heal relationships. She learnt through her experiences that when your soul is not living its true purpose/mission then the body will show you signs on a physical and mental level. Roshney uses powerful inner child healing and cord cutting modalities to help others to remove emotional blocks to relationships, career and good health. She runs spiritual workshops every 2 weeks via Zoom which are open to everyone and anyone. Whether you are just new to spirituality or very experienced she shares tips and tools on how to heal yourself. The workshops include powerful guided meditations. Roshney is sharing her light with you so that you can shine your light too.
Speaker Gifts: https://awakentohappinessnow.com
Roshney’s Offers: https://awakentohappinessnow.com/s34roshney/
#shefaliburns , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness
Tuesday Jan 30, 2024
The Truth Within Your Soul with Corrinne Jenner
Tuesday Jan 30, 2024
Tuesday Jan 30, 2024
Please join Corrinne Jenner and me as we talk about The Truth Within Your Soul.
Join us to explore:
-How we all have a story. We all have a truth to find, a core wound to heal.
-The wounds or the trauma – haze our judgement of our truth. We see through the filter of these wounds.
-The amount that someone can truly heal and grow is dependent on how much ‘truth’ they are willing to hear and accept about themselves.
-How pain (emotional or physical) is always a message from our soul.
-Corrinne will be facilitating a short grounding and connecting meditation and she will be taking live caller questions/doing some mini-readings and she will guide us through a live ‘energetic spring clean’ activation.
A holistic and intuitive energy alchemist with a passion for transformational healing by getting to the ‘soul truth’ at the core of the issue. Corrinne can very quickly help you to access ‘the core wound’ that is hazing your truth. Then with her unique framework that works through the chakra system, plus bespoke channelled energetic and inner child healing processes she can help you to release and heal the blockages and gain a greater understanding of your personal story, the unconscious beliefs behind them, updating them with a new empowering belief and un-weave the patterns that are holding you back through each chakra.
Speaker Gifts: https://awakentohappinessnow.com
Corrinne’s Offers: https://awakentohappinessnow.com/s34corrinne/
#shefaliburns , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness
Saturday Jan 27, 2024
Love Is Eternal: Soul Contracts & Soul Mates with Judith Costa
Saturday Jan 27, 2024
Saturday Jan 27, 2024
Please join Judith Costa and me as we talk about Love Is Eternal: Soul Contracts & Soul Mates.
Join us to explore:
-What is a Soul Mate relationship? A personal story.
-What can be holding you back from finding Love?
-What is Self-Love and why you need to Love yourself to establish happy relationships?
-Are you repeating a pattern in your relationships, and you don't know how to break it?
-Why are you attracting unavailable partners or those who are not ready for commitment?
-How to attract your Soul Mate or the right relationship for you?
-What techniques can you use to find your Soul Mate?
-Past Life Regression Therapy, The Akashic Records, Coaching, Astrology and Dream Interpretation as tools to understand your relationships.
-Judith will be taking live caller questions and doing mini-readings.
Judith Costa, certified Life & Love Coach and with a Master’s degree in Psychology and Psychotherapy, based on her 15 years of research and experience on Soul Mates, she helps people to understand what a real Soul Mate connection is, how to improve Self-Love, and how to manifest the kind of relationship all of us want and deserve. She works with groups and individuals to help them overcome their inner blocks to Love, and to know themselves better. She uses different techniques such as Coaching, Past Life Regression Therapy, Astrology, The Akashic Records and Dream Interpretation. Judith has helped many individuals find their Soul Mates and she believes that every one of us can find that kind of Love – unconditional Love. She found her Soul Mate, more than one, and she is passionate about helping others search for theirs.
Speaker Gifts: https://awakentohappinessnow.com
Judith’s Offers: https://awakentohappinessnow.com/s34judith/
#shefaliburns , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness
Thursday Jan 25, 2024
Making Space Within to Receive from Without with Vinolan Ponnan
Thursday Jan 25, 2024
Thursday Jan 25, 2024
Please join Vinolan Ponnan and I as we talk about Making Space Within to Receive from Without.
In this talk with Vinolan we will discuss:
-What are you showing up with in the moment?
-Who's taking up space without paying rent?
-How can the experience of oneness help you?
-Vinolan will be working with his Dragon team to offer us a healing and clearing process.
Vin is a multidimensional facilitator and holder of space. In the early 2000's, he was initiated into the Usui Tibetan Method of Reiki. With his growing interest in spirituality, he expanded his toolset to include EFT, Grace Healing, Infinity Healing, Light Language and Holographic Principles. He currently works with his team of divine workers that includes his soul aspects (Dragons and Crows to name a few) to clear detrimental energies as well as bring in appropriate light body upgrades.
Speaker Gifts: https://awakentohappinessnow.com
Vinolan’s Offers: https://awakentohappinessnow.com/s34vinolan/
#shefaliburns , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness
Tuesday Jan 23, 2024
Calming the Chaos with The Infinity Wave with Hope Fitzgerald
Tuesday Jan 23, 2024
Tuesday Jan 23, 2024
Please join Hope Fitzgerald and me as we talk about Calming the Chaos with The Infinity Wave.
Join us on this call as we learn:
-Helps to navigate great change (a.k.a. spiritual evolution) in a state of flow
-Supports unbuckling from 3D to gain perspective
-Opens the channel for direct communication with nature and the unseen worlds
-Balances and aligns the body's energy field with love and compassion
-Is the Cosmic Easy Button
-Hope will be taking live caller questions/doing mini-readings and/or facilitating a guided meditation.
Since 2010, Hope has been passionately sharing "The Infinity Wave" a 10th-dimensional tool revealed to her in a series of visions, to accelerate personal and global spiritual evolution, leading to more joy and freedom even during tumultuous times. Her recent bestselling book, The Infinity Wave: Mastering the Art of Love, Compassion and Flow, describes the Wave’s astounding arrival and the ensuing lessons it brought. She’s conducted workshops on this powerful energy, appeared on various platforms and thanks to the Wave’s influence, has developed into a channel for a wide range of etheric masters.
Speaker Gifts: https://awakentohappinessnow.com
Hope’s Offers: https://awakentohappinessnow.com/s34hope/
#shefaliburns , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness
Thursday Jan 18, 2024
Connecting 5d and 3d, Heaven on Earth with Laura Bolton
Thursday Jan 18, 2024
Thursday Jan 18, 2024
Please join Laura Bolton and me as we talk about Connecting 5d and 3d, Heaven on Earth.
Join us to explore our higher dimensional selves and work out how we fit in to earth frequencies.
In this talk with Laura we will discuss:
-Earth overwhelm. How intense and persistent difficulties can result from dimensional mismatch.
-Disconnected relationships and life avoidance as a representation of dimensional realm separation.
-Understanding your earth mission so you can be more at ease here.
-A group healing activation for advanced souls who are ready for fulfilling connections and greater peace.
Laura is a gifted healer and powerful transformer. She pairs exceptional analytical skills with transcendental healing abilities to empower advanced souls and uplift the vibration of earth.
Speaker Gifts: https://awakentohappinessnow.com
Laura’s Offers: https://awakentohappinessnow.com/s34laura/
#shefaliburns , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness
Tuesday Jan 16, 2024
Teachings from Source (Kristen's NDE Story) with Kristen Numen
Tuesday Jan 16, 2024
Tuesday Jan 16, 2024
Please join Kristen Numen and me as we talk about Teachings from Source (Kristen's NDE Story).
Join us on this call as we learn:
-Who are the Circle Children and How can they help you?
-The power of joy, laughter, and the mind
-A fun interactive conversation!!
-**activation and healing with Light Chord Frequencies** (what is Light Chord?)
Kristen Numen is known for being a multi-faceted channel and healer. Using all of her psychic senses she brings forward what ever is in your highest good at the time of the session. Some abilities include speaking with your Spiritual Team to assist in living your best life, mediumship, Kundalini Reiki Master and Teacher, Rahanni Celestial Healer, Spiritual Activator and Teacher. Kristen has a passion for healing others on multiple levels. With the ability to scan a person and animals energetic field, Kristen can bring forward information to assist on the physical, emotional, mental, energetic, and spiritual levels. Kristen's goal is to give you the tools as directed by your Spiritual Team and loved ones to live your best life and experience joy and health on a new level.
Speaker Gifts: https://awakentohappinessnow.com
Kristen’s Offers: https://awakentohappinessnow.com/s34kristen/
#shefaliburns , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness