Friday Mar 29, 2024
Alchemizing Lemurian & Atlantean Karma with Matthew John
Friday Mar 29, 2024
Friday Mar 29, 2024
Please join Matthew John and me as we talk about Alchemizing Lemurian & Atlantean Karma .
In this fascinating and crucial talk, Matthew will reveal:
-What Lemuria and Atlantis were really like
-The events that led to the demise of both Lemuria and Atantis
-Where we find remnants of Lemuria and Atlantis today
-How the energetic legacy and karma of Lemuria and Atlantis carries over to today
-How to know whether you are a Lemurian or Atlantean soul
-How to know what your specific Lemurian or Atlantean karma contains
-How to reclaim the spiritual gifts and wisdom you had in Lemuria or Atlantis
-...and MUCH MORE!
Matthew will do LIVE READINGS for select participants to show them their Lemurian or Atlantean lives, and to tell them about any karma they carried over from them.
Matthew John is an internationally-recognized Spiritual Teacher, Intuitive, Psychic, Medium, Trance Channeler, Intuitive Astrologer, Starseed Guide, Energy Healer, Medical Intuitive, Speaker & Spiritual Life Coach/Mentor working with angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, and Galactics. He is a gifted intuitive, wisdom channeler, trance channel, and a transmitter of healing frequencies. Matthew has been on a 15-year Awakening journey. His powerful and effective teachings and healings are a product of many intense Awakening experiences, deeply human ordeals and tens of thousands of hours of study. He receives clear guidance from his Guides which he shares with his followers and clients from around the world. He specializes in helping others to heal their childhood and past-life traumas, reading people’s life plans from a Soul perspective, as well as serving as an activator and a mentor for Starseeds and those who are looking to accelerate their spiritual development. As a Sirian, Blue Avian, Orion, and Andromedan Starseed, Matthew is intimately familiar with the mission of Starseeds on Earth. He guides clients and followers to connect with their Starseeded essence and to align with their specific Divine Service Work on Earth. Matthew is a spiritual leader for the Golden Age. He has an innate ability to see the ‘big picture’, and this is why he is so effective in assisting his clients and followers to heal, transform, and accelerate their Awakening. Matthew resides in Western New York, U.S.A. with his Ascension dog Sebastian.
Speaker Gifts: https://awakentohappinessnow.com
Matthew’s Offers: https://awakentohappinessnow.com/s34matthew/
#shefaliburns , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness
Thursday Mar 28, 2024
Thursday Mar 28, 2024
Please join Donna Hill and me as we talk about From Scarcity to Prosperity: A Heart-Centered Approach to Embracing Inner Wealth.
In our materialistic culture abundance is often associated with visions of wealth and material possessions. We now know that material possessions, in and of themselves, do not bring happiness or peace of mind. Donna Hill's heart-centered approach to abundance goes well beyond creating material possessions. She understands that true wealth lies not just in financial prosperity but in the freedom to flow and create with ease in all areas of your life. Donna's work is dedicated to helping you realign your focus and assist you in restructuring your money blueprint so you have a stronger foundation to create from. With her guidance, you'll discover the transformative power of soulful prosperity, one that encompasses all aspects of life's riches - both tangible and intangible, empowering you to enhance your money flows and create with greater ease.
Donna Hill is a multifaceted spiritual practitioner, known for her expertise as a Divine Sequencing Master Practitioner, Soul Reader, Angelic Channel, and a practitioner of Light and Sound healing. She also holds the distinction of being a Divine Wisdom Code Activator. From early childhood Donna was attuned to the flowing currents of infinite consciousness that enlivened her existence. This profound awareness ignited a lifelong exploration into the eternal realms of Source, God, and Creator. Throughout her journey, which included enduring periods of illness, financial challenges, and personal loss, Donna's unwavering connection to Source served as both her sustenance and healer. Within this sacred realm she experienced the freedom to create a life that is both abundant and deeply fulfilling. Donna's calling lies in illuminating the profound truth that at the core of their being, individuals are deeply, completely and unconditionally loved. She empowers them to tap into this deep connection with Source, to explore their Sovereignty as Soul and to undergo deeply transformational and lasting changes in their lives. Moreover, Donna demonstrates how this connection can usher in experiences of pure bliss and happiness that is independent of external circumstances or challenges.
Speaker Gifts: https://awakentohappinessnow.com
Donna’s Offer: https://awakentohappinessnow.com/s34donna/
#shefaliburns , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness
Thursday Mar 21, 2024
Are You Fire, Earth, Air or Water? The Elements and Astrology with Laura Bolton
Thursday Mar 21, 2024
Thursday Mar 21, 2024
Please join Laura Bolton and me as we talk about Are You Fire, Earth, Air or Water? The Elements and Astrology.
In this talk with Laura we will discuss:
-Equinox and the astrological new year
-The mandala of the zodiac
-The psychology of fire, earth, air and water.
-Submit your birth details before the session to find out dominant or missing elements in your chart.
Laura is a gifted healer and passionate astrology. Her exceptional analytical skills pair with powerful intuition to connect you to the planets and the stars. She is masterful in translating the wonder of astrology into the comfort, support and guidance you need on your awakening journey. Her calling as an astrologer is both as reader and teacher in the way she unravels the magic of the cosmos for you as an individual. She can speak to the complete beginner or the more seasoned astrology enthusiast. Her mission is to empower advanced souls to take advantage of the gift of astrology for greater fulfilment of their life and purpose. She is a Pisces Sun with a Virgo Moon, and Sagittarius rising. She has Venus in Aries and the North Node in Leo.
Speaker Gifts: https://awakentohappinessnow.com
Laura’s Offers: https://awakentohappinessnow.com/s34laura2/
#shefaliburns , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness
Tuesday Mar 19, 2024
Tuesday Mar 19, 2024
Please join Natasa Stojanovic and me as we talk about Healing, Purpose and Mastery in 2024 with Whale Consciousness and Ocean Light.
Join us to explore:
-What 2024 is inviting us into so that we can move on with more flow and live aligned with our divine blueprint
-How your soul calling might be inviting you into personal growth and the exact healing you need (personal story)
-The missing link when it comes to truly changing our lives and following our calling
-The power of Ocean Light and Whale Consciousness Codes for healing and expansion
-How swimming with humpback whales in their natural environment can be a life changing experience
-More Practical ways to connect more deeply with the whales and their healing power, and to receive the codes of light the ocean and the whales are here to share with us
Natasa Stojanovic is a Channel of the Ocean Light, Whale Retreat Leader, Frequency Healer, Speaker, Mentor and Mother. Deeply connected to her ancient heritage of Galactic Ocean Consciousness, Natasa is masterful at transmitting divine frequencies of Ocean Light, Whales and Dolphins to help leaders, lightworkers and wayshowers transcend their experience of limitation and truly live as the light that they are–while being grounded in this physical expression of reality. Natasa empowers her clients through mentorship and Ocean Light Retreats to activate their DNA and soul’s gifts, so that they share their calling by embodying the expansion that they bring to the world. Her life-changing Whale Magic Retreats provide the experience to swim with the sacred humpback whales, be immersed in their frequency and the Ocean as a conduit, and receive their transmissions first hand. Having over 20 years of experience in leadership-, team-, personal and spiritual development, Natasa is trained in various modalities of Energy Psychology, Energy Healing, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Coaching, and Experiential Learning. She believes that we are here to live as infinite divine love embodied, which not only is the truth of who we are, but the way we shift our personal and collective experience. Her mission is to support humanity in awakening and co-creating New Earth through expanding consciousness and activating our hearts and unlimited potential stored in our DNA. When she is not expressing herself as a mentor, speaker, retreat leader or mother, you have a good chance to find her enjoying her many passions - you guessed it - in, on or by the ocean.
Speaker Gifts: https://awakentohappinessnow.com
Natasa’s Offers: https://awakentohappinessnow.com/s34natasa/
#shefaliburns , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness
Saturday Mar 16, 2024
Saturday Mar 16, 2024
Please join Marlenea Johnson and I as we talk about EZ Clearing Sessions - Freedom From Stress & Negative Entanglements.
In this talk with Marlenea we will discuss:
-The Silent Killers of Your Dreams and Life Purpose
-Energetic Entanglements- (How they affect us) - The Imprints they leave
-Defense System-Psychological warfare
-Survival Mechanism
-What is War Energy-Shifting out from the Energetic Entanglements from the past, present and future
Marlenea will be doing a 3 Pillar Luck Activation live on the call.
Magical Marlenea, Your Prosperity Advisor. Born with the innate ability to connect and commune with the Divine; she walks with the Angels. Helping thousands of conscious beings Manifest the life of their dreams through an array of "Her Golden Key" energetic processes. You will find her Speaking on Global platforms, Hosting Her own Radio show, Producing Music, Teaching and Training individuals and large groups of people daily. She is the creator of her Own Universe! Marlenea has assisted over 35,000 people worldwide. She meets them on the level they are at and elevates them at the speed they are ready to experience. The goal is to empower them to easily "Manifest their hearts desires and Thrive" living a life of infinite possibilities. During a meditation and channeling session, she was instructed to Create several Rapid Life Changing Programs. Since then, Marlenea has used them primarily for her own use until several years ago when she went Global with her gifts. Which have massively helped her clients manifest their dream lives! If you can dream it, You can be it! Working with Marlenea, will be a life changing Magical experience! The Energy of Lakshmi, "The Goddess of Wealth" flows 24/7 wherever Marlenea is. People have experienced high energy shifts just from being on calls or walking by her. She radiates an energy of pure radiant love which Magically flows out and Shifts the vibration to a Joy frequency. And as she says, Money follows Joy! And Joy follows Marlenea! HER INITIALS SPELL IT OUT "M.J." Marlenea's Joy.
Speaker Gifts: https://awakentohappinessnow.com
Marlenea’s Offers: https://awakentohappinessnow.com/s34marlenea/
#shefaliburns , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness
Thursday Mar 14, 2024
Cosmic Quantum Shadow and Trigger Release with Mijke Ketting
Thursday Mar 14, 2024
Thursday Mar 14, 2024
Please join Mijke Ketting and me as we talk about Cosmic Quantum Shadow and Trigger Release - Light Up your Shadow and Release your Triggers.
We will also talk about the role of the Inner Child and the connection between Inner Child Healing and Shadow Work. Heal your Inner Child to unleash your full potential! Reconnect with Joy and be the most Joyful version of You!
Join us to:
-Learn how to shed light on your shadow to release old programs
-Discover what messages your shadow has to give you
-Get to the root cause of health problems, emotional overwhelm and anger issues
-Discover the connection between chakra psychology and trigger release
-Find out why releasing your shadow energy is important for your well-being
-Learn why shadow work is essential for healing at the deepest level
-Understand why Shadow Work is a great way to heal the Inner Child
Mijke will be doing a few mini-scans/readings and will be doing a Cosmic Quantum Shadow Balance and Trigger Release Process.
Mijke is a multidimensional energy healer, channel and medium. As a Certified Medical Intuitive, Akashic Records reader, Emotion Code practitioner and professional Aura reader, she has a unique and customized approach to help her clients. Mijke channels customized energies and messages to help her clients heal from physical issues, break through their blockages and to get clarity on their purpose in life. Mijke supports her clients with transmuting trauma, fear and pain into lightness, change, joy and happiness. She combines this with practical advice and insights and always strives to get to the root cause. Mijke connects to a Cosmic energy field to facilitate healing by working with a special high speed healing frequency and Light Language. She works on multiple dimensions, connects to the Crystalline energy of the earth and she channels the Galactic Felines of Light. She shares light language messages as needed. Mijke has had an extensive career as a professional coach and manager and is an expert in what drives and motivates people. She is highly appreciated for her facilitation and leadership skills.
Speaker Gifts: https://awakentohappinessnow.com
Mijke’s Offers: https://awakentohappinessnow.com/s34mijke/
#shefaliburns , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness, #joy
Saturday Mar 09, 2024
Saturday Mar 09, 2024
Please join Siddhii Shah and me as we talk about The secret of healing your fat without going to gym or doing any diet with Fat Reduction Healing Sessions.
Join us on this call as we learn:
-Mudra for fat reduction
-Breathing exercise for fat reduction
-Body Dictations for fat reduction
Can't get a fit body no matter how hard you try? Tried out dieting, exercises, and other means and yet not finding any changes in you? If so, then Siddhii's fat reduction healing sessions are precisely what you need. Siddhii, a renowned teacher, is often referred to as a "Fitness Magician" by her clients. With more than 100 spiritual healing courses under her belt, including being a pioneer of Dragon healings in India and the founder of the Celestial Dragons Healing System, Siddhii is a powerhouse in the healing world. Her healing sessions have shown magical recoveries for people across all areas of life. But that's not all. Siddhii’s Healing sessions have helped hundreds of healers upgrade their powers and benefit professionally, and more than 80% of people who attend her fat reduction sessions observe significant fat loss in just two weeks' time.
Speaker Gifts: https://awakentohappinessnow.com
Siddhii’s Offers: https://awakentohappinessnow.com/s34siddhii/
#shefaliburns , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness
Thursday Mar 07, 2024
Thursday Mar 07, 2024
Please join Emily Ghosh Harris and me as we talk about Transcending Karmic Traps to Connect with your Creative, Abundant and Divine Source Self.
Join us on this call as we discuss:
-Working with Spring astrological and galactic energies to tap into your creative potential, transcend cycles of limitation and move forward in a new and courageous way
-Releasing victim / victimizer patterns that hold you back
-Connecting with your divine source self
-Raising your vibrational frequency set point
-Transcending karmic traps for true liberation
Emily Ghosh Harris is an intuitive guide, sound alchemist, facilitator of sacred ceremony and multidimensional business mentor. She is Founder of Soul Media, a company that serves as a portal of expansion and elevation for heart centered entrepreneurs, lightworkers, starseeds and conscious companies. Emily assists clients in taking quantum leaps in their lives and businesses, by bringing forward their Highest, most authentic and creative expression. Through the integration of galactic astrology, human design, gene keys, self-inquiry and quantum energy healing techniques, Emily helps clients to deepen their understanding of their divine blueprint, heal core wounds of separation and limiting beliefs, and step forth in their highest available timeline, fully activating the music their heart and soul came here to share and express.
Speaker Gifts: https://awakentohappinessnow.com
Emily’s Offers: https://awakentohappinessnow.com/s34emily/
#shefaliburns , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness
Saturday Mar 02, 2024
Pets as Ascension Guides with Denise Mange
Saturday Mar 02, 2024
Saturday Mar 02, 2024
Please join Denise Mange and me as we talk about Pets as Ascension Guides.
Join us to explore:
-How sacred contracts between humans and animal companions – whether embodied or transitioned -- allow you to journey into a deeper relationship with yourself and step more fully into your gifts and broader role in the universe
-How our pets and animals in the wild are handling major energetic clearings on our behalf
-Ways that animal companions walk alongside you helping you bridge 3D and 5D realities
-How animal companions help you release old stories and co- create a new, more soul-aligned narrative
-The cosmic connections animal companions are helping us anchor into our new reality
-How working with pets, chakras, sacred geometry and numerology can actually help you develop your intuition, call in your tribe, and propel you on your ascension path
-Denise will be offering mini readings live on the call.
Pet Expert, Pet Intuitive & Founder of Pet Prana®
Denise Mange is a certified dog trainer and pet intuitive. After a decade of working at some of the most prestigious advertising agencies in New York City, Denise left Madison Avenue to work with pets and their humans, eventually creating her own mindful pet lifestyle brand, Pet Prana®. Combining traditional training techniques with energetic considerations of pet guardianship, Denise’s work highlights how everyday interactions with our pets have the power to transform us.
Speaker Gifts: https://awakentohappinessnow.com
Denise’s Offers: https://awakentohappinessnow.com/s34denise/
#shefaliburns , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness
Friday Mar 01, 2024
Akashic Records Workshops with Arpita Thakkar
Friday Mar 01, 2024
Friday Mar 01, 2024
Please join Arpita Thakkar and me as we talk about Akashic Records Workshops.
In this talk with Arpita we will discuss:
-What are Akashic Records ?
-How does Accessing and reading the Akashic records impact our lives
-Learnings from Akashic Records
-Rewriting your Akashic Records
-Akashic Reading of 2 to 3 people on the call
-A guided Visualization process on the call to clear any challenging issues of your life.
-Healing for everyone on the call.
Arpita Thakkar is an alternative therapist, spiritual coach, Reiki grandmaster, Tarot card reader, Angel guidance facilitator, Bach flower therapist, Pendulum dowsing teacher, switchwords master, Akashic Records teacher, Humkara with Haleem master, automatic writing teacher, and author of two books 'Turning the Mind Lights on' and ‘Akashic Records: Unlock to Unblock You’. A trainer and practitioner of over ten years, Arpita has had her work featured in Gyankalash and Wedzilla Magazines. She has won the Naari Shakti 2017 Award and three times the award winner for the Best Akashik Records Coach.
Speaker Gifts: https://awakentohappinessnow.com
Arpita’s Offers: https://awakentohappinessnow.com/s34arpita/
#shefaliburns , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness