
Tuesday Feb 04, 2025
Tuesday Feb 04, 2025
Please join Laura Hosford and me as we talk about Heart/Womb Healing To Liberate Your Feminine Ancestry to Activate Your Infinite well-spring of Love.
What you will learn on the show today and questions:
-Learn why healing your Womb Chakra is the key to liberating your divine feminine energy flow of soul love and birthing your New Earth creations.
-Learn about the importance of healing your feminine ancestry of multi-generational toxic imprints and patriarchal trauma to rebirth higher spiritual consciousness.
-Learn how you can clear old wounds and traumas that need to be healed for you to step into your radiant sexuality, creative inspiration, and high-level relationships.
-Understanding your Womb as a Divine Vessel of Sacred Creation for anchoring the Magdalene Diamond Light Codes of Creation for birthing the New Earth and Age of Aquarius.
-How can we re-align with the Divine Mother Principle and our hidden capacity to access our true soul energies and fill our lives with pure love? How can we open the stargate of our Heart-Womb gateway to activate our infinite well-spring of love, becoming our own source of self-love—no more looking for love outside ourselves?
-Experience a robust heart-womb transmission guided by Mary Magdalene from the Mary Magdalene cave, Rennes les Château, France, to activate your magic doorway of dragon love power.
Laura Hosford, or Laura Maven Star, is a Mystic, Seer, Magdalene Red Womb High Priestess, and an Oracle for the Isis/Mary/Sophia frequency of Divine Feminine Mother Consciousness. Her services include Soul Midwifery and Heart-Womb Frequency Rebirthing, Oracle Light Alignment Sessions, Priestess Leadership and soul Ascension courses, and New Earth Retreats, which allow for the revelation of knowledge beyond our limited belief systems and mental constructs. Tonal vibrations can awaken dormant awareness, leading to a significant upgrade of your inner-outer reality. This awakening is achieved through Light Language, an eternal language that unlocks the keys and codes of our evolution and releases outdated patterns and programs of our lower-dimensional realities.
Speaker Gifts: https://awakentohappinessnow.com
Laura’s Offers: https://awakentohappinessnow.com/s37laura/
#shefaliburns , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness, #laurahosford

Sunday Feb 02, 2025
February Healing Call with Laurie Moore
Sunday Feb 02, 2025
Sunday Feb 02, 2025
Please join Laurie Moore and me as Laurie facilitates a live guided healing meditation and message for the ATHN community. This is generously been shared with my community every month on the first Sunday of the month.
Dr. Laurie Moore , human and animal communication reader is also a doctor of expressive psychology, lmft, hypnotherapist and somatic and emdr practitioner Was a graduate and undergraduate psych teacher at San Fran State University, Chico State and Johnson State College. Author of The Cat’s Reincarnation: Transformative Encounters with Animals and Healing and Awakening the Heart: Animal Wisdom for Humans, and numerous other books. Appeared on Awaken To Happiness Now with Shefali Burns, Species Link, Lauren Galey, John Burgos Beyond the Ordinary as well as hundreds of other venues. Taught seminars round the world, founded and ran The Miracle Ground and love Climate Spiritual Satsangs and Seminars Organizations.
BOOK YOUR SESSION with Laurie Now @ 831 477 7007

Wednesday Jan 29, 2025
Energy Healing - Shifting from Lower Densities to Shining Your Light with Amanda Kish
Wednesday Jan 29, 2025
Wednesday Jan 29, 2025
Please join Amanda Kish and me as we talk about Energy Healing - Shifting From Lower Densities to Shining Your Light.
Join us to explore:
-What are healing codes and how do they work? What is included in a reading that accompanies a healing code?
-What is energy healing to you? How has your path and life led you to energy clearing and healing?
-How was your experience with the dark night of the soul and how do you assist those going through this stage?
-What suggestions or ideas do you have for people who are triggered by "Meditation"?
-Guided Process (20-25 minutes) - will include light language and receiving a gift
-Mini Quick Energy Readings - no questions required just for who wants a quick reading when Amanda taps into their energy.
In 2020 after finding out I would be losing my Dad to incurable brain cancer - I began my journey by acknowledging it was time to do things differently. I went through 7 years of dark night of the soul and I had shut my gifts off multiple times in my life. I was a Mom to 3 beautiful girls: 1 neurotypical empath and nonverbal twins diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. I began to begin to remember who I was with a Reiki Level 1 Course, took more classes, connected with others and finally met a soul family member after booking a session about mediumship when she hadn't advertised she was a medium. After receiving beautiful messages I also received clarity on my journey and began to meet more soul family. I own a Cafe in Redvers where I grew up called, Rising Phoenix Cafe, where I weave love into my food and offer "Nights with Spirit" and "Activation & Meditation Nights". The Cafe is a beautiful space filled with high vibrational energy where I offer sessions in my office in person, classes in the Cafe or online classes, readings or energy work through zoom. I am a Kundalini Reiki Master, Certified Akashic Records Reader, an Energy Healer, Rahanni Celestial Practioner Channel, Medium, Mentor, Teacher & a Wayshower offering Healing Codes that are unique, downloaded and coded for individuals, provide readings and assist with healing. I offer readings, classes and have the gift of clearing & shifting energies honed over many lifetimes.
Speaker Gifts: https://awakentohappinessnow.com
Amanda’s Offers: https://awakentohappinessnow.com/s37amanda/
#shefaliburns , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness, #amandakish

Thursday Jan 23, 2025
Thursday Jan 23, 2025
Please join Colby Wilk and me as we talk about Align With Your Divine: How to Direct Your Psychic Anatomy to Know Greater Stillness.
Join us to explore:
-Learn how to sense and direct your energy field into powerful states of divine well being.
-Drop below thought, and know a peace that even long-time meditators rarely experience.
-Know that you really are fundamentally connected to all of Life.
-See beyond the veils of this reality to the truth of your being.
-Take your place in the world and know divine purpose
-Colby will be taking liver callers and will give each caller specific guidance that will help them connect with their divine given who they are and what their soul is calling for in real time.
Originally a counselor/coach, Colby recognized that there was a power beyond traditional therapeutic methods that could shift what seemed unchangeable — the very core of a person. Through intuitive healing and mentoring, Colby partners with people on their journey to be fully alive. With highly-developed intuition he roots out the hidden causes of suffering, assisting people to transform unhappiness and struggle with peace, awe and wonder. He trains others to be their own teacher, to access spiritual states and to overcome blocks.
Speaker Gifts: https://awakentohappinessnow.com
Colby’s Offer: https://awakentohappinessnow.com/s37colby/
#shefaliburns , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness, #colbywilk

Wednesday Jan 22, 2025
Wednesday Jan 22, 2025
Please join Lorraine Butterfield and me as we talk about The Importance of Following Your path, Being Present and Healing Your Wounds.
Join us to explore:
-We never stop learning and expanding
-We have the power to change our circumstances
-Healing is a process
-Lorraine will bring in a quick Akashic Healing Journey and will also be doing mini tarot card readings live on the call.
Lorraine is a Spiritual Intuitive Alignment Coach and Therapist as well as Tarot Reader and Trainer of her own program Soul Healing in the Akashic Records. Lorraine combines all her learnings in EFT/Matrix Reimprinting, Akashic Records, Reiki Master Teacher, psychic and channel of light to create bespoke 1:1 clearing and healing sessions. Lorraine also works with higher dimensional beings to channel healing sounds that align and cleanse the Chakras.
Speaker Gifts: https://awakentohappinessnow.com
Lorraine’s Offers: https://awakentohappinessnow.com/s37lorraine/
#shefaliburns , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness, #lorrainebutterfield

Tuesday Jan 21, 2025
Your Starseed Survive and Thrive Guide with Patrick Prohaska
Tuesday Jan 21, 2025
Tuesday Jan 21, 2025
Please join Patrick Prohaska and me as we talk about Your Starseed Survive and Thrive Guide.
Join us as we discuss:
-Learn how to manage the pain and frustration of being an outsider and begin to magnetize like-minded friends.
-Make sense of uniquely human quirks, such as money, the physical body, human intimacy, and more.
-Heal the pain of isolation and the trauma of rejection and abandonment.
-You’re here for a reason! Embrace your life’s purpose and mission with excitement and enthusiasm.
Patrick Prohaska is an author and life coach specializing in personal empowerment, consciousness expansion, and sexual healing. Patrick has a bachelor’s degree in philosophy of science and a Master’s degree in the religions of ancient India, and developed the Light Bridge system of healing and personal transformation. He’s the author of Brain Cells: Escape Your Mental Prisons and Dream Yourself Awake: The Power of Lucid Living, as well as the forthcoming book Myths to Stop Living By. Patrick is available for lectures, seminars, and workshops around the globe. When he’s not teaching or communing with a client you’ll find him exploring the Colorado wilderness.
Speaker Gifts: https://awakentohappinessnow.com
Patrick’s Offers: https://awakentohappinessnow.com/s37patrick/
#shefaliburns , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness, #patrickprohaska

Thursday Jan 16, 2025
Transforming Our Lives with Angel Healing® with Stacey McDaniel
Thursday Jan 16, 2025
Thursday Jan 16, 2025
Please join Stacey McDaniel and me as we talk about Transforming Our Lives with Angel Healing®.
In this interview we will talk about:
-What is the Angel Healing® Modality?
-Who are the Archangels and the Female Archangels (the Archeiai)?
-What are the Source Rays?
-What can Angel Healing® help with?
-We will also do a Healing Process with the Angels
-Stacey will also be doing mini Angel Card Readings/Activations
Stacey McDaniel is well versed in many energy healing modalities, but most of all, she considers herself a Lightworker. She works with the healing light and the healing energies from various sources - the Archangels, the Ascended Masters, the Galactics, the Unicorns, Source/The Divine, and more. She also works closely with the Akashic Records to bring forth healing at the root level. Stacey has been working with various forms of healing since 1995. After 15 years in clinical practice as a Dr. of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine, as well an EFT Practitioner (Emotional Freedom Technique), Stacey has transitioned to using Energy Healing as her main modality. As someone who struggled for many years with both physical and emotional ailments, Stacey knows what it is like to live from a place of both dis-ease and now, radiant health. It is her passion and her purpose to help others move into a place of greater health, greater happiness, and greater freedom. Stacey sees clients in both 1 to 1 settings, as well as group settings. She also teaches classes on Channeling, Working with Your Spirit Guides, Rahanni Celestial Healing, and Angel Healing®.
Speaker Gifts: https://awakentohappinessnow.com
Stacey’s Offers: https://awakentohappinessnow.com/s37stacey/
#shefaliburns , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness, #staceymcdaniel

Wednesday Jan 15, 2025
Creating Your Foundation for 2025: The Relationship Key with Catherine O'Connor
Wednesday Jan 15, 2025
Wednesday Jan 15, 2025
Please join Catherine O'Connor and me as we talk about Creating Your Foundation for 2025: The Relationship Key.
Relationships are pivotal in life on Earth. We are in a relationship; with ourselves, others and our environment.
In this conversation we will unpack the meaning and significance of relationships and how mastering these pivotal daily expressions of our Divine Self are a key to our spiritual life.
We will explore the following concepts:
- Our relationship with ourselves; why the right relationship with ourselves is a key to loving relationships with others.. imbued with higher consciousness experiences
- What do we mean when we speak of “Right relationship”: the energy of Ma'at
- Why this stance of authentic loving sovereignty is vital to honest, harmonious and healthy relationships with others and our environment.
- The creative third in a relationship
- How are our Earthly relationships a spiritual super highway to embodying our Divinity.
Speaker Gifts: https://awakentohappinessnow.com
Catherine’s Offer: https://awakentohappinessnow.com/s37catherine/
#shefaliburns , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness, #catherineoconnor

Tuesday Jan 14, 2025
Tuesday Jan 14, 2025
Please join Avalina Maline and me as we talk about Kundalini Awakening: Activating, Nurturing, and Sustaining the Divine Flow Within.
Join us as we dicuss:
-The rise of kundalini is regulated by the Central Nervous System (CNS) which is essential for sustaining high consciousness and achieving enlightenment.
-How traumas block the CNS and how clearing it allows us to stay present in the moment.
-Learn emotional mastery, and you'll unlock the full potential of your kundalini energy.
-How to stabilize kundalini energy to find permanent residence in the crown chakra, transforming the entire nervous system to a higher frequency that is finally capable of sustaining bliss, consciousness, unconditional love in all situations, and the awareness of oneness …existing as a higher dimensional being.
-Experience the power of a Breathwork transmission with a CNS upgrade activation.
Join us for a potent live breathwork experience, paired with an immersive clearing transmission to release blockages held in the nervous system. We will bring in new alignment with our Higher Selves, creating space for healing and transformation.
Speaker Gifts: https://awakentohappinessnow.com
Avalina’s Offers: https://awakentohappinessnow.com/s37avalina/
#shefaliburns , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness, #avalinamaline

Monday Jan 06, 2025
Monday Jan 06, 2025
Please join Laurie Moore and me as Laurie facilitates a live guided healing meditation and message for the ATHN community. This is generously been shared with my community every month on the first Sunday of the month.
Dr. Laurie Moore , human and animal communication reader is also a doctor of expressive psychology, lmft, hypnotherapist and somatic and emdr practitioner Was a graduate and undergraduate psych teacher at San Fran State University, Chico State and Johnson State College. Author of The Cat’s Reincarnation: Transformative Encounters with Animals and Healing and Awakening the Heart: Animal Wisdom for Humans, and numerous other bools Appeared on BATGAP, NBC, CBS, CNN.com, Species Link, Lauren Galey, John Burgos Beyond the Ordinary as well as hundreds of other venues. Taught seminars round the world, founded and ran an The Miracle Ground and love Climate Spiritual Satsangs and Seminars Organizations. Wrote Column for Center Network, The Connection and Jenningswire.