Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
Celestial Self Mastery and Self Expression with Emily Ghosh Harris
Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
Please join Emily Ghosh Harris and me as we talk about Celestial Self Mastery and Self Expression, as well as live Q&A and processes.
Join us on this call as we discuss:
-What is your Soul Song and Why is it important?
-How is the Aries / Libra Nodal Axis Shift helping us to move towards celestial self mastery
-How can we use the power of sound and vibration to help express our soul song and crystallize our desired reality into physical form?
-How can you tell if your throat chakra is blocked?
-Tools for finding and expressing your unique soul song
Emily Ghosh Harris is an intuitive guide, sound alchemist, facilitator of sacred ceremony and multidimensional business mentor. She is Founder of Soul Media, a company that serves as a portal of expansion and elevation for heart centered entrepreneurs, lightworkers, starseeds and conscious companies.Emily assists clients in taking quantum leaps in their lives and businesses, by bringing forward their Highest, most authentic and creative expression. Through the integration of galactic astrology, human design, gene keys, self-inquiry and quantum energy healing techniques, Emily helps clients to deepen their understanding of their divine blueprint, heal core wounds of separation and limiting beliefs, and step forth in their highest available timeline, fully activating the music their heart and soul came here to share and express.
Receive 28+ Gifts: https://bit.ly/3B6RZ4v
Emily’s Offer: https://bit.ly/3NUlJr9
#alaracanfield , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #thealaracanfieldshow, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Money Magnetism with Simmin Bawa
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Please join Simmin Bawa and me as we talk about Money Magnetism, as well as live Q&A and processes.
Join us to explore:
-Is Money an issue in your life?
-Are you insecure about Money?
-Does Money make its way in and out quickly in your life?
-Are there recurring money patterns in your life?
-Are you mirroring your family money energetic patterns?
-Do you want to increase your abundance, prosperity, and in-flow of money?
-Do you feel your cursed when it comes to monetizing opportunities?
-Your investments do not reap results?
-Your money-based fears and belief patters always create blocks to receiving more abundance?
Then, this call is for you. Learn about clearing energetic money blocks.
Professor and Head of Department, Philosophy, Jai Hind College, Mumbai. Recipient of Best Teachers Award for 3 consecutive years. An avid researcher and academician currently pursuing PhD course in Sexual Ethics. Simmin knows more than 35 modalities of healing and fortune telling. Being born Clairvoyant, Claiaudient and Claircognizant and knew from an early age that I have to contribute spiritually. Have been a practising Holistic Healer from the age of 16 years. Simmin’s specializations are Auto-writing and channelling, Reading and Healing Akashic Records, Tarot card Reading, Candle Magick, Crystals, Graphology, Past Life Regression, Crystal ball gazing, Numerology, Cartomancy, Lenormand Card Reading, Magickal Oils, Angel Therapy and Card reading, Runes, Tea-leaf reading, etc. She practices and teaches these courses. She has received light language as a gift from Masters for the good work being done through Automatic Writing and Channeling.
Receive 28+ Gifts: https://bit.ly/3B6RZ4v
Simmin’s Offers: https://bit.ly/44FvjoI
#alaracanfield , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #thealaracanfieldshow, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness
Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
Please join Elaina Cochran and me as we talk about Clearing Loops and Binds from Our Fields of Creations from the Collective Consciousness, as well as live Q&A and processes.
Join us on this call to:
-form a deeper relationship with and understanding of your energetic self
-learn to identify and remove where you are holding patterns and loops of collective created thoughtforms
-experience a guided clearing and activation
Intuitive and Quantum Energy Healer, Light Weaver, Earth Wisdom Carrier, Teacher and Speaker. Elaina holds the potent ability to see each individual through the lense of love and beauty creating a safe space for vast expansion and transformation. Pulled from a young age to experience what she considers real magic - to know what exists beyond our five senses, to feel firsthand that in every moment, we are loved, supported and in communion with our beautiful earth, as aspects of nature ourselves, connected to the deep love that weaves all things, and to our team of light, guides and ancestors. Elaina loves to reawaken the remembrance of our beauty, sovereignty and ability to create a life here of empowerment, peace and abundance in order to contribute to the powerful transformations occurring on the planet at this time.
Receive 28+ Gifts: https://bit.ly/3B6RZ4v
Elaina’s Offer: https://bit.ly/43gWQLN
#alaracanfield , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #thealaracanfieldshow, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness
Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
Cosmic Aura Cleansing with Marlenea Johnson
Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
Please join Marlenea Johnson and me as we talk about Cosmic Aura Cleansing, as well as live intuitive aura energy scans and a chakra balancing process.
Join us to explore:
-Learn How Your Aura has been Genetically and Spiritually Modified
-What may be stuck in your energy field and the signs to look out for
-What causes disconnection from Source and the side effects
-What is an Aura Cleansing and How will it affect you
-Tips to change your Emotional and Physical Aura
Marlenea will be doing live intuive aura energy scans and a Chakra Balancing Process
Born with the innate ability to connect and commune with the Divine; Marlenea walks with the Angels. Helping thousands of conscious beings Manifest the life of their dreams through an array of "Her Golden Key" energetic processes. You will find her Speaking on Global platforms, Hosting Her own Radio show, Producing Music, Teaching and Training individuals and large groups of people daily. She is the creator of her Own Universe! Marlenea has assisted over 35,000 people worldwide. She meets them on the level they are at and elevates them at the speed they are ready to experience. The goal is to empower them to easily "Manifest their hearts desires and Thrive" living a life of infinite possibilities. During a meditation and channeling session, she was instructed to Create several Rapid Life Changing Programs. Since then, Marlenea has used them primarily for her own use until several years ago when she went Global with her gifts. Which have massively helped her clients manifest their dream lives! If you can dream it, You can be it! Working with Marlenea, will be a life changing Magical experience! The Energy of Lakshmi, "The Goddess of Wealth" flows 24/7 wherever Marlenea is. People have experienced high energy shifts just from being on calls or walking by her. She radiates an energy of pure radiant love which Magically flows out and Shifts the vibration to a Joy frequency. And as she says, Money follows Joy! And Joy follows Marlenea! HER INITIALS SPELL IT OUT "M.J." Marlenea's Joy…
Receive 28+ Gifts: https://bit.ly/3B6RZ4v
Marlenea’s Offer: https://bit.ly/3JNqDVE
#alaracanfield , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #thealaracanfieldshow, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness
Monday Jul 10, 2023
Monday Jul 10, 2023
Please join Donna Hill and me as we have An In-depth Transformational Conversation with the Pleiadians, as well as live Q&A and processes.
Join us in this experiential conversation as the Pleiadians speak into the wisdom of our soul and assist us in transcending limitations in our lower nature. We will glean a deeper understanding of ascension as an evolutionary process and how we can navigate the latter half of 2023 with greater ease. We will learn how to show up for ourselves and others as wayshowers in times of challenge and uncertainty. Donna will bring through light language as well as singing and toning to uplift and empower each of us. This entire call will be healing and transformational as the Pleiadians bring forward and heal the most prominent energy blockages presenting in the group.
Donna Hill is a soul reader, angelic channel, light and sound healer and Divine Wisdom Code activator. Donna’s calling is to assist people in reaching the infinite fields of bliss and unconditional love. This is the place of freedom to create a rich and fulfilling life. The Pleiadians have gifted Donna with a healing modality called Divine Sequencing. These are powerful light and sound transmissions, keys and codes channeled as light language, singing and toning. They are channeled in this way because God Source Creator speaks in light and sound. These keys and codes are specific to each individual soul blueprint to be empowered in it’s own unique way.
As well as working with the Pleiadians and other benevolent et, Donna works with Archangel Michael, Quan Yin, St. Germaine, Yeshua, Mother Mary and others. Donna’s healing and spiritual practices spans decades. She has trained in BodyTalk, Theta Healing, Quantum Light Weaving, NLP and Inner Child Healing. She also works with crystals, flower essences and nutritional supplements.
Receive 28+ Gifts: https://bit.ly/3B6RZ4v
Donna’s Offers: https://bit.ly/46AzBiQ
#alaracanfield , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #thealaracanfieldshow, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness
Thursday Jul 06, 2023
Moving through the Time Matrix at Zero Point with Cathleena Hailley
Thursday Jul 06, 2023
Thursday Jul 06, 2023
Please join Cathleena Hailley and me as we talk about Moving through the Time Matrix at Zero Point, as well as live Q&A and processes.
Cathleena Hailley is an embodiment of the divine feminine who works with the council of 9 collective and in particular with Jesus, Metatron, and other ascended masters. Her coding accesses the womb water of an individual’s birth so that they are brought back to their original soul expression, creating a rebirth to allow full expression of the soul’s imprint. As the lineage of the life Architect her Crystalline DNA signature not only carries the frequency of perfect pitch to align to the original Human templet, Earth templet and this Universes templet, but continually recalibrate this alignment.
Receive 28+ Gifts: https://bit.ly/3B6RZ4v
Cathleena’s Offer: https://bit.ly/3pANuwO
#alaracanfield , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #thealaracanfieldshow, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness
Tuesday Jul 04, 2023
Arcturian Angel Heart Chakra Cleansing and Alignment with Lorraine Butterfield
Tuesday Jul 04, 2023
Tuesday Jul 04, 2023
Please join Lorraine Butterfield and me as we talk about Arcturian Angel Heart Chakra Cleansing and Alignment, as well as live Tarot Card Readings and processes.
Join us to explore:
-Always trust that spirit is working with you
-That healing is a process
-We all have access to higher dimensional beings
-We can all heal and move forward
-We can decide how we see the world
-Lorraine will be doing mini Tarot card readings live on the call!
Lorraine is a Spiritual Intuitive Alignment Coach and Therapist, Tarot Reader and Channel of Arcturian Angels. Supporting and empowering women to come into alignment emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Using her unique blend of therapies and intuitive tools along with her guides she supports you to find fulfilment within and break negative relationship patterns, release years of anxiety and step into an energy of love, truth and harmony.
Receive 28+ Gifts: https://bit.ly/3B6RZ4v
Lorraine’s Offers: https://bit.ly/3NZH5Vt
#alaracanfield , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #thealaracanfieldshow, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness
Monday Jul 03, 2023
Monday Jul 03, 2023
Please join Matthew John and me as we talk about Secrets to Abundance, Success and Happiness with the REAL Law of Attraction. There will be a live Q&A and processes.
In this talk with Matthew we will discuss:
-What most teachers get wrong about the Law of Attraction (and why this holds people back)
-The single most important factor in whether what you want actually manifests in your life or not
-A step-by-step process to engaging with the forces of the Universe to help bring you what you want
-What to do when you feel blocked, frustrated, or stuck
-Why manifestation is easier than ever to learn
-...and MUCH MORE!
Matthew John is an internationally-recognized Spiritual Teacher, Spiritual Mentor, Intuitive, Psychic, Medium, Intuitive Astrologer, Starseed Guide, Energy Healer, Medical Intuitive & Spiritual Life Coach working with angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters. He is a gifted intuitive, wisdom channeler and transmitter of healing frequencies.
Receive 28+ Gifts: https://bit.ly/3B6RZ4v
Matthew’s Offers: https://bit.ly/3XyPHVX
#alaracanfield , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #thealaracanfieldshow, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness
Thursday Jun 29, 2023
Parallel StoryLines with Laura Bolton
Thursday Jun 29, 2023
Thursday Jun 29, 2023
Please join Laura Bolton and me as we talk about Parallel StoryLines-Uncovering the multiple meanings in what is going on in our lives! There will be a live Q&A where you can have your own parallel storylines identified and healed.
In this talk with Laura we will discuss:
-Parallel storylines – what are they and examples
-Common stories
-How to change storylines and transform your situation
-Connecting to the wonder of astrology
Laura is a gifted healer and astrologer. She is passionate about her healing work which pairs powerful intuition and exceptional analytical abilities to identify the underlying nature of your emotional issues, physical health, and mission blockages. She is able to transform stuck energies assisting you on to your highest and most joyful timeline. She works with high-beings, energy psychotherapy and transcendental journeying. Her astrology work brings in-depth insight of the planets and the stars into a mapping of your life. She is able to connect people to the wonderment of astrology so they may realize it’s great support and magical guidance. Laura is dynamic in recognizing where and when healing and astrology can work together to generate compelling shifts for your greater happiness and fulfillment.
Receive 28+ Gifts: https://bit.ly/3B6RZ4v
Laura’s Offer: https://bit.ly/3pispY0
#alaracanfield , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #thealaracanfieldshow, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness
Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
Please join Mijke Ketting and me as we talk about Unchaining your Teeth and Bones: Hidden Karma and Trauma Release for Teeth and Bones, as well as live Q&A and processes.
Join us as we discuss if you would like to:
-find out more about the root cause of persisting teeth or bone issues?
-discover if the cause of unexplained symptoms that won’t go away no matter what you do, could be in your mouth?
-improve your overall health by improving your oral health?
-improve the health of your teeth, gums and bones by releasing hidden trauma and karma?
-work on inflammation issues in your mouth area?
-get rid of the karma stored in your teeth and bones that keeps you stuck?
-clear the energetic connection between your teeth and organs
-strengthen your bone structure to make them as healthy as possible?
Mijke is a multidimensional energy healer, channel and medium. As a Certified Medical Intuitive, Akashic Records reader, Emotion Code practitioner and professional Aura reader, she has a unique and customized approach to help her clients. Mijke channels customized energies and messages to help her clients heal from physical issues, break through their blockages and to get clarity on their purpose in life. Mijke supports her clients with transmuting trauma, fear and pain into lightness, change, joy and happiness. She combines this with practical advice and insights. Mijke connects to a Cosmic energy field to facilitate healing by working with a special high speed healing frequency and light language. She works on multiple dimensions, connects to the Crystalline energy of the earth and she channels the Galactic Felines of Light. She shares light language messages as needed. Mijke has had an extensive career as a professional coach and manager and is an expert in what drives and motivates people.
Receive 28+ Gifts: https://bit.ly/3B6RZ4v
Mijke’s Offer: https://bit.ly/3ND1zDg
#alaracanfield , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #thealaracanfieldshow, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness