Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Love Yourself To Manifest Your Best Life with Judith Costa
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Please join Judith Costa and me as we talk about Loving Yourself To Manifest Your Best Life.
Join us to explore:
-What does loving yourself mean?
-What are the benefits of loving yourself?
-How can you show yourself more Love?
-How to stop sabotaging yourself and your life
-How forgiveness will transform your life
-Why do you need to Love yourself to establish happy relationships?
-Why is Love a challenge in your life?
-What can be holding you back from finding Love?
-Are you repeating patterns in your relationships and don't know how to break them?
-How the loving guidance of the Akashic Records can benefit you
Judith will be taking your questions from within the Akashic Records live on the call!
Judith Costa is an unconditional Love coach, Self-Love expert, seminar leader, writer, and speaker, with a master's degree in Analytical Psychology and Psychotherapy and an MBA. She is a certified consultant and teacher of the Akashic Records and Happiness Trainer. Judith helps people to overcome their inner blocks to Love. She specializes in helping her clients have a better relationship with themselves, which transforms their lives, allowing them to create abundance, well-being, better relationships, and become happier. She believes that Love starts by loving oneself, and when you have Love within, you can share it with others.
Receive 28+ Gifts: https://awakentohappinessnow.com
Judith’s Offer: https://awakentohappinessnow.com/s33judith/
#alaracanfield , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #thealaracanfieldshow, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Light Language within the Akashic Records with Lorraine Butterfield
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Please join Lorraine Butterfield and me as we launch Season 33 and talk about Light Language within the Akashic Records.
Join us to explore:
-We all have a Mission and a Path and never doubt that
-We are always supported
-Trust the Universe always in everything it is showing you
-Walk with purpose and awareness
-Healing is a priority
Lorraine will do some mini Tarot card readings on the call.
Lorraine is a Spiritual Intuitive Alignment Coach and Therapist as well as Tarot Reader. Lorraine combines all her learnings in EFT/Matrix Reimprinting, Akashic Records, Reiki Master Teacher, psychic and channel of light to create bespoke 1:1 clearing and healing sessions. Lorraine also works with higher dimensional beings to channel healing sounds that align and cleanse the Chakras.
Receive 28+ Gifts: https://awakentohappinessnow.com
Lorraine’s Offers: https://awakentohappinessnow.com/s33lorraine/
#alaracanfield , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #thealaracanfieldshow, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness
Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
Time to take back control of our health care with Jean Logan
Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
Please join Dr.Jean Logan and me as we talk about Time to take back control of our health care, as well there will be live Q&A.
Join Dr.Jean on the show today to learn about:
-Powerful tools to heal ourselves emotionally and physically.
Dr. Jean Logan is an Earth Ambassador, an ordained minister, has a doctorate in Nutritional Healing and has an extensive knowledge of many types of energy healing. As a conscious channel, Jean receives a language of Light in the form of symbols and glyphs that are empowered by electronic impulses from the Central Sun. She is the author of Unlocking the Power of Glyphs, Sacred Symbols of Light, Symbols of the Dawn, Sacred Symbols of the New Age and Sacred Symbols Healing Cards. Her books are now in over 100 countries with profits going to provide services to indigenous children.
Receive 28+ Gifts: https://bit.ly/3B6RZ4v
Jean’s Offers: https://awakentohappinessnow.com/s32jean/
#alaracanfield , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #thealaracanfieldshow, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
Embracing Your Gifts with Theresa Vee
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
Please join Theresa Vee and me as we talk about Embracing Your Gifts, as well there will be live Q&A and processes.
Join us on this call as we discuss:
-How to find and connect with your gifts—and why you might have been disconnected in the first place.
-Making the space for Grace and allowing ourselves to shift and grow
-The 3 fears that keeps us from fully embracing our natural gifts
-The special time we are in and how much support we have—even by realms that are notorious for avoiding humans!
-The 5 steps of embracing our gifts and how we can keep expanding on them.
-The superpowers that lead us right to our Purpose
Theresa Vee helps spiritually-led, empathetic people increase their vibrancy, health, and wellness, so they can have more energy and feel more alive, on-Purpose, and fulfilled. She teaches tangible tools to break free of cycles of overwhelm and over-giving so that people can get back into the flow of the synchronicities and miracles that are their birthright, heal into the magic of their Divine Perfection, and live their Purpose for being here. Theresa is a channel of Love and leader of spiritual (r)evolution, reaching over a million people through her speaking engagements, workshops, readings, and sessions. In addition to her extensive spiritual training, she is also a certified and well-credentialed holistic health and wellness professional and Ayurvedic Health Counselor.
Receive 28+ Gifts: https://bit.ly/3B6RZ4v
Theresa’s Offer: https://awakentohappinessnow.com/s32theresa/
#alaracanfield , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #thealaracanfieldshow, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
‘Disease States’ and why it is important to Dig Deep Within with Sarah Massiah
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Please join Sarah Massiah and me as we talk about ‘Disease States’ and why it is important to Dig Deep Within, as well as live Q&A and processes.
Join Sarah on the show today to:
-Gain greater clarity on what it means to be holding a disease state.
-Acquire greater awareness concerning past incarnations and how they effect and affect us in bodily form.
-Learn what is meant by becoming a host for disease states we may find ourselves in.
-Understand what it means to become ‘The Master healer of your Own Life’?
-Gain a greater understanding about Healing from Within.
-You will also receive a short live healing meditation to assist you On your healing journey.
Plus, an activation to aid you know you are supported by Creator on your healing journey.
Sarah is a Founding Member of the Elohim High Council of Light, working closely with Melchizedek, Ascended Masters and Angels.Sarah Massiah is an award winning author whose book,‘The Cosmos, Ascension and the Golden Keys from Melchizedek’ won the Mind Body Spirit Book Award in the channelled category. She is currently looking to publish Book Two in the Series. Sarah recently won the South of England Prestige Award for ‘Best Holistic Practice’. She is the Founder of ‘The Golden Key Energy Healing System’ which works directly with Creator. This fast and uplifting healing modality enables those in receipt to clear many stories that hold them back within the Akashic Records, as well as contracts and programmes held with Creator.
Receive 28+ Gifts: https://bit.ly/3B6RZ4v
Sarah’s Offers: https://awakentohappinessnow.com/s32sarah/
#alaracanfield , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #thealaracanfieldshow, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness
Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
Awaken Your Lion’s Heart 3 C’s & Get Unstoppable with Madelina Light
Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
Please join Dr.Madelina Light and me as we talk about Awakening Your Lion's Heart 3 C's & Get Unstoppable, as well as live Q&A and processes.
Join us to explore:
-What is The Lions Gate, and Why is it Important for Us Today?
-How The Current Energies Are Helping Us to Evolve Fast at All Levels (physically, mentally, emotionally & Spiritually), and Where are We Heading?
-What are The Three C’s of Your Lion’s Heart?
-How Can We Activate The Three C’s Within Us?
-Group Process Meditation & Readings
Madelina is a Multidimensional BioEnergy Intuitive - a Divine Love/Light & Sound Frequencies Transmitter & Soul Connector a Way Shower, a Star Seed, and an Earth Light Grids Keeper. As an Ancient Soul - Clairsentient, and Empath - She Telepathically receives Messages from the Body’s Energetic Systems, the Divine/Soul/Higher Self, Ascended Masters, and Benevolent Spirit Guides. During Groups and/or Private Sessions, Madelina Tunes in & Scans The Group Energy, or Personal Chakra Centres & AuraFields, and She is sharing the Soulful insights that She receives. She also, conduct various Meditations, Activations & Processes, including Her Unique - Multidimensional BioEnergy Light/Sound/Sacred Geometry Frequency Transmission Technique - Madelina Loves to Empower People worldwide to Step Into Their Soul Life Path, To Rediscover Their Gifts & Talents, Purpose & Mission, To Remember The Reason That They Incarnate here on Earth Now, and To Realign, Reconnect, and Embody Their Own Soul Signature Frequency & Vibration to Live a Fulfilling Life & Thrive!
Receive 28+ Gifts: https://bit.ly/3B6RZ4v
Madelina’s Offer: https://awakentohappinessnow.com/s32madelina2/
#alaracanfield , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #thealaracanfieldshow, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness
Friday Jul 28, 2023
The Galactic Past & The Imminent Future with Elizabeth Wood
Friday Jul 28, 2023
Friday Jul 28, 2023
Please join Elizabeth Wood and me as we talk about The Galactic Past & The Imminent Future, as well as live Q&A and processes.
In this special talk Elizabeth will reveal -
-Why you should care about our shared galactic roots
-How galactic anthropology will help us understand our future
-How the mystical art of dreaming and storytelling can be a platform for wisdom
-Where the variety of concepts about our past come from
-The key mystical reason you might want to join us for more!
Considered an advanced seer, Elizabeth Wood works on the cutting edge of galactic and quantum anthropology, trauma healing and futurism. With her lifelong ability to see into and work with all dimensions, her theoretical and psychic work has helped people all over the world. Called “Living Library and Oracle”, Elizabeth has spent her whole life studying anthropological theory, quantum physics, ancient and modern medicine. She has two science degrees, including a Masters in Applied Anthropology. Her philosophies and practices bridge science and spirituality to support real change in the world.
Receive 28+ Gifts: https://bit.ly/3B6RZ4v
Elizabeth’s Offer: https://awakentohappinessnow.com/s32elizabeth/
#alaracanfield , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #thealaracanfieldshow, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness
Thursday Jul 27, 2023
How to Step Into Your Full Potential Spiritually and Egoically with Kristen Numen
Thursday Jul 27, 2023
Thursday Jul 27, 2023
Please join Kristen Numen and me as we talk about How to Step Into Your Full Potential Spiritually and Egoically, as well as live Q&A and processes.
Join us on this call as we learn:
-How to interpret your wake state
-Feeling more high vibrational on the daily
-How to trust your Intuition and inner guidance system
-How to speak to your Body and get results
-And so much more!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kristen Numen is known for being a multi-faceted channel and healer. Using all of her psychic senses she brings forward what ever is in your highest good at the time of the session. Some abilities include speaking with your Spiritual Team to assist in living your best life, mediumship, Kundalini Reiki Master and Teacher, Rahanni Celestial Healer, Spiritual Activator and Teacher. Kristen has a passion for healing others on multiple levels. With the ability to scan a person and animals energetic field, Kristen can bring forward information to assist on the physical, emotional, mental, energetic, and spiritual levels. Kristen's goal is to give you the tools as directed by your Spiritual Team and loved ones to live your best life and experience joy and health on a new level.
Receive 28+ Gifts: https://bit.ly/3B6RZ4v
Kristen’s Offer: https://awakentohappinessnow.com/s32kristen/
#alaracanfield , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #thealaracanfieldshow, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness
Thursday Jul 20, 2023
Thursday Jul 20, 2023
Please join Siddhii Shah and me as we talk about The secret of healing your fat without going to gym or doing any diet, as well as live Q&A and processes.
Join us on this call as we learn:
-Mudra for fat reduction
-Breathing exercise for fat reduction
-Body Dictations for fat reduction
Can't get a fit body no matter how hard you try? Tried out dieting, exercises, and other means and yet not finding any changes in you? If so, then Siddhii's fat reduction healing sessions are precisely what you need. Siddhii, a renowned teacher, is often referred to as a "Fitness Magician" by her clients. With more than 100 spiritual healing courses under her belt, including being a pioneer of Dragon healings in India and the founder of the Celestial Dragons Healing System, Siddhii is a powerhouse in the healing world. Her healing sessions have shown magical recoveries for people across all areas of life.
Receive 28+ Gifts: https://bit.ly/3B6RZ4v
Siddhii’s Offer: https://bit.ly/43wSmAT
#alaracanfield , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #thealaracanfieldshow, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness
Wednesday Jul 19, 2023
Wednesday Jul 19, 2023
Please join Michael R Smith and me as we talk about Unleashing your Divine Blueprint for Next Level Service in the New Era, as well as live Q&A and processes.
Join us to :
-Learn what the Divine needs from YOU, starting today
-Learn the #1 way Lightworkers can receive more abundance
-Learn how to discern what's your intuition & what's not
-Receive energy & inspiration as we connect to Spirit LIVE on the call
For nearly 20 years, Dr. Michael R. Smith's pioneering work to connect empaths and sensitives with their Divine potential has reached millions. As a doctoral trained counselor, spiritual medium, and healing practitioner of indigenous energy medicine, Michael's great joy is to serve as a spiritual guide for those at all levels of awakening. He offers online intuition development classes like the Empath Academy, private mentoring, and The Empath Sanctuary member community. He lives in the mountains of Flagstaff, AZ where he enjoys hot yoga, hiking, and talking to the trees and mountains.
Receive 28+ Gifts: https://bit.ly/3B6RZ4v
Michael’s Offers: https://awakentohappinessnow.com/s32michael/
#alaracanfield , #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #energy, #transformation, #consciousness, #love, #thealaracanfieldshow, #consciousliving, #joy, #empowerment, #wellness, #spirituality, #spiritualawakening, #awareness